Stat 513 – Project Assignment


The goal of this project is to collect and analyze your own data using the methods you have been learning this quarter.   In particular, you need at least 3 variables, at least 2 quantitative and at least one categorical.  You are advised to collect multiple variables so you have some flexibility in which to analyze.  You should specify a different, fairly specific research questions involving 2 or more explanatory variables (quantitative and/or categorical). You may use either a quantitative or categorical response variable (though we won't talk about categorical response variables until the end of the quarter). You may use different response variables for different questions but don't have to. The project will be 15% of your course grade.


Data collection


It is up to you whether you conduct an observational study (with random sampling) or a randomized experiment (which are often easier to implement). You should select a research question that is either related to your thesis work or is interesting to you. You should collect your own data in a manner appropriate for the analysis. If it is impossible to collect the data appropriately, collect it in a convenient way, making certain that you (1) identify the appropriate method for collection, (2) explain why you deviated from the ideal method, and (3) what the possible consequences are using your methods versus the ideal. You may also analyze data collected by a research partner or faculty advisor.  In your final report, be sure to explain how, where, and when you collected the data, and any potential measurement problems with the data. 


Proposal (Due by 2/27 - but, you can turn it in any time sooner)

This proposal should outline your preliminary research questions (e.g., observational/experimental units, sample(s), population of interest, variables, classify each as quantitative or categorical) and your plan for how you have collected (or will collect) the data and how you included randomness in the study design. These are tentative proposals but will make sure you have begun thinking about the project.  You will receive peer feedback on your proposal. Be prepared to make modifications to your topic after this feedback. (This is also to allow me to make sure your analysis is within the scope of the methods we will learn in this course.)


Final report

You must submit a final report by the final exam. The report will consist of two parts: (1) a 1-3 page executive summary and (2) a technical write-up. Reports must be typed, with relevant computer output incorporated into the body of the paper. Also submit a copy of your raw data file.  

The executive summary should be professionally formatted and written for a non-statistician. It should be similar to what you might read in journal from your field.

It should...

·         describe the research question

·         summarize how the data was collected

·         summarize the data in tabular, graphical, or other method appropriate for effective communication

·         clearly identify the primary analysis methods and variables used

·         present conclusions and implications (i.e., answer the research question). Cite test-statistic values, df, and p-values used.

The technical write-up should be typed and well organized. The technical write up should document your analysis methods. It should include snippets of JMP output (including diagnostic plots) used to make important analysis decisions and a general outline of how you went about analyzing your data. Someone who has taken our class should be able to look at the technical write-up and decide whether your procedures were appropriate and thorough for the claims being made in the executive summary. Also, any additional technical discussions of the data should appear in this section. There is no limit to the amount of output or graphics in this section, but your commentary should not exceed 2-3 pages. Note that you do not need to include every piece of output you used, but you should include and reference important items that helped you make decisions along the way.

Project Presentations

You will make a presentation of your project for the rest of the class. You will use PowerPoint or some other presentation software.  The presentation will be at most five minutes (this is harder than it sounds – you should practice the timing before hand!).   Feel free to be creative.  We will either have in class presentations or recorded presentations posted online. More details to follow.


Your grade will be determined in part by:

·         the quality of your proposal

·         how well you described your research question

·         the appropriateness of your analysis

·         the completeness/thoroughness of your analysis

·         your communication of the results, both in the executive and technical portions.


Submitting final documents

Remember to include the executive summary, technical support, and data file as separate files.


Your report must be word processed with all relevant computer output incorporated into the body of the report.  (Graphs and output should be integrated into the report, not just as an appendix.  You can include additional details as an appendix but still need to select the relevant information as part of the discussion.)  You should again include the original data worksheet when you upload your report.